Symptoms of Tingling in fingertips and Feet
Tingling in fingertips, feet, or both is a very common and irritating symptom of diabetes. This type of tingling is occasionally harmless and only lasts a short time. The pressure on nerves that occurs when your arm is bent under your head while you fall asleep, for example, could cause this condition. It could also be caused by pressure on nerves caused by crossing your legs for an extended period. In either situation, the “pins and needles” sensation which is normally painless is quickly alleviated by releasing the pressure that was causing the sensation in the first place.
Symptoms of Tingling in Body
Nonetheless, Tingling in fingertips, feet, or both can be severe in some situations and can be episodic or chronic in others. It can also be accompanied by additional symptoms such as discomfort, itching, numbness, and muscle atrophy, to name a few examples. Tingling may occur due to nerve damage, which can be caused by a variety of factors, including traumatic injuries or repetitive stress injuries, bacterial or viral infections, chemical exposures, and systemic disorders such as diabetes.
Peripheral neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that affects nerves not connected to the brain or spinal cord and commonly occurs in the hands and feet. Peripheral neuropathy can manifest itself in more than 100 different ways. After a while, the condition can deteriorate, making you less mobile and possibly completely incapacitated. Peripheral neuropathy is believed to affect more than 20 million people in the United States, most of whom are elderly.
Experiencing Tingling in Fingertips
If you’ve been experiencing tingling in fingertips, feet, or both for a long period, it’s critical to get medical attention immediately once. The sooner the source of your tingling is identified and brought under control, the less probable it is that you may develop problems that could last a lifetime.
With diabetes being one of the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy, it accounts for around 30% of all reported cases. Tiring and other symptoms of diabetic neuropathy frequently begin in both feet and progress up the legs, followed by tingling in fingertips and other symptoms that affect both hands and progress up the arms. Approximately two-thirds of patients with diabetes have mild to severe nerve damage, ranging in severity from mild to severe. These symptoms are frequently the first signs of diabetes in many people.
Medical History
A physical exam and a thorough medical history will be performed if you seek treatment for your itching hands or feet. Your health care provider will ask questions about your symptoms, work environment, social habits (including alcohol consumption), toxic exposure, risk of HIV or other infectious diseases, and family history of neurological disease.
The accuracy of the diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause of the tingling is critical to achieving a successful outcome. The ability to repair peripheral nerve cells exists as long as the nerve cells have not been killed.
Treatment of Tingling in fingertips
Many acquired varieties of peripheral neuropathy can be improved with treatment. However, there are no treatments available for inherited types of peripheral neuropathy. Having adequate blood sugar management in persons with diabetes, for example, can help prevent diabetic neuropathy from getting worse, and vitamin supplements can help cure peripheral neuropathy in people who are deficient in certain vitamins.
General lifestyle guidelines include:
- Maintaining a healthy weight.
- Avoiding exposure to pollutants.
- Participating in a doctor-supervised exercise program.
- Eating a well-balanced diet.
- Abstaining from or restricting consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Final Verdict
Smoking should be avoided at all costs because it reduces blood flow to the blood arteries that deliver nutrients to the peripheral neurons.Tingling and other symptoms of peripheral neuropathy may be alleviated in some cases by prescription medications that were originally created to treat seizures and depression.